Final multiplier event in Slovenia

Spominčica organized the SINCALA multiplier event in the National Gallery of Slovenia on 22nd of March 2023.

The multiplier event was organised in the form of training and was aimed at professionals working with persons with dementia or other chronical disease and people living with a person with dementia – spouses, partners, children or grandchildren – as well as others who would like to expand their knowledge in this area. Participants gained further insight into understanding the relationships and roles they have as carers, relatives or other close persons, in order to strengthen family ties and offer support both to the person with dementia and to those who care for them.

The first part of the event was dedicated to the presentation of the SINCALA project, developed materials, SINCALA web platform with e-training for and MOOC course. David Krivec discussed about the developed handbook for Listen to my stories workshops and the guide for professionals to identify and address issues related to the care process in particular the presence of neglect, violence and may surface during the workshops.

The second part was aimed to the background and practical demonstration of the “storytelling” workshop for carers – formal or informal, that need to reflect on their role, feelings and also on occurrences of neglect or violence that may be present in the caring relationships. The workshop was led by experts dr. Zdenka Čebašek Travnik, psychiatrist and former Human rights ombudsman, Lili Jazbec, Professor of Social Pedagogy and Andreja Štefin Bukovič, Social Pedagogist and director of a home for elderly. After the participants gained new knowledge in theoretical part, they divided into groups and under the expert’s guidance performed the listen to my story workshops.

Participants recognized the approach as useful for working with persons with dementia. They reflected that the organization and coordination of the workshop was satisfactory and the duration was sufficient in order to cover the educational objective, thus the workshop met their initial expectations and they were happy to exchange also the views among themselves and the organizer. They found the presentations useful and the provided lecture gave them knowledge that they can use in their work with target group of people.