In May 2021 the whole partnership, under the leadership of Alzheimer Hellas, has been involved in a three-days training session aimed to transfer knowledge and skills to implement in all countries the narration-based workshops for informal carers originally developed in Greece. The training, originally foreseen to take place in Greece, was organized online due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Alzheimer Hellas, the lead partner, developed a set of guidelines combining the experience gained by implementing similar workshops within the organization but also taking into account the results of “Tell me about you” report of family members’ needs and experiences of caring role developed in the framework of the previous SINCALA project.
During the training, facilitators from partners’ organizations were trained to the application and adaptation of this model, but were also offered the opportunity to test on themselves the feelings and the experience connected with it. All participants were enthusiastic about the approach and shared that they were looking forward to implement it at national level.