Our partnership

Alzheimer Hellas
Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) (Greece) provides a wide range of services to people with dementia and their families. Services include two day centres for people with dementia, family support groups, a home-care unit, a 24 hour help-line, the delivery of both pharmacological therapies and non-pharmacological interventions to maintain the person with dementia’s quality of life and that of their family carer.
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Anziani e non solo
Anziani e Non Solo (Italy) has been working since 2004 in the field of European and non-European project management and in the realization of services and supports that increase social inclusion. They also deliver training and support to informal and formal carers and are active in the prevention of gender based violence, elder abuse, and discrimination.
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CASO 50+
CASO50+ Centro de Atendimento e Servicos 50+, Associacao (Portugal) is non-profit association working in the field of ageing since 2012. It aims to promote health and well-being, active ageing and quality of life of older people and informal caregivers through the production and dissemination of knowledge; training and awareness activities and the promotion of initiatives aimed at the early detection of changes associated with ageing process to minimize impact on quality of life.
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pominčica (Forget-me-not) – Alzheimer Slovenia is a non-governmental organization, aimed at providing support to carers of persons with dementia, raising awareness, reducing stigma and promoting dementia friendly communities. Our activities include face-to-face and telephone counseling, non-formal education programme , companionship for PwD in their home, Alzheimer Centre, training for public workers, workshops on prevention and cognitive training, self-care groups and networks of Dementia Friendly Spots.
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Women’s Support and Information Centre
Women’s Support and Information Centre (WSIC) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2002 as the first shelter in Estonia that focused on supporting women suffering from violence.WSIC focuses on creating conditions for stopping the mechanisms of domestic violence, to enable rehabilitation and resocialization of survivors, and reduce the risk of repeated violence by offering comprehensive assistance to victims and relevant trainings to different stakeholders.
WSIC unites people who are committed to making the world a better place – we work every day to help those in need and grow the community not to tolerate violence and to come to the rescue if necessary. Our goal is to achieve (basic) human rights to all community members: to live free from fear and to be able to decide for oneself, to offer children a happy childhood and a content life.

Union of Women Associations of Heraklion
is an NGO, established in 2001, that belongs to the Voluntary Non-Governmental Organizations,
operating at Heraklion Municipality, Crete, Greece. UWAH is active at the promotion and protection of women’s and children rights; while it also engages with raising awareness and
advocating for human rights. In this context, its main mission is to promote, implement and supervise the application of the Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on
preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, 2011), at local, national and European level. The major activity of the organisation is to provide support
services to victims of domestic and intimate partner violence. It has been recently certified for its counselling services under the ISO 9001:2008 protocol. It operates the 24/7
emergency help line, the Shelter for women victims of domestic violence, the Counselling Centre, and the Homeless Unit to provide an array of social services for people victims of
economic crisis.

The University of Tartu (UT) was founded in 1632. It offers 195 research-based graduate and postgraduate degree programs and deals with both fundamental and applied research.
More than 13000 students (11% international) study in 4 faculties (Arts and Humanities, Medicine, Science and Technology, Social Sciences), and UT has about 3600 staff (12%
international). UT belongs to the top 2% of the world’s best universities