S.IN.CA.L.A, funded under Erasmus +, consists of a partnership between non-governmental organisations (NGO) from Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia

MTU EEsti Omastehooldus (EOH) (Estonia) is a voluntary association, whose goal is to support informal carers and advocate for their rights. Their activities include developing training programmes for informal carers; providing support such as counselling, peer support groups and respite care and representing the interests of informal cares at dfferent policy levels.


Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) (Greece) provides a wide range of services to people with dementia and their families. Services include two day centres for people with dementia, family support groups, a home-care unit, a 24 hour help-line, the delivery of both pharmacological therapies and non-pharmacological interventions to maintain the person with dementia’s quality of life and that of their family carer.



Co-Creation Support CLG (Ireland) is a not for profit social enterprise set up to promote, assist and work with stakeholders, such as people with dementia and family carers, to actively shape the design and delivery of person-centred services and supports through ‘bottom up’ engagement processes, research and knowledge translation.


Anziani e Non Solo (Italy) has been working since 2004 in the field of European and non-European project management and in the realization of services and supports that increase social inclusion. They also deliver training and support to informal and formal carers and are active in the prevention of gender based violence, elder abuse, and discrimination.



CASO50+ Centro de Atendimento e Servicos 50+, Associacao (Portugal) is non-profit association working in the field of ageing since 2012. It aims to promote health and well-being, active ageing and quality of life of older people and informal caregivers through the production and dissemination of knowledge; training and awareness activities and the promotion of initiatives aimed at the early detection of changes associated with ageing process to minimize impact on quality of life.


Spominčica (Forget-me-not) – Alzheimer Slovenia is a non-governmental organization, aimed at providing support to carers of persons with dementia, raising awareness, reducing stigma and promoting dementia friendly communities. Our activities include face-to-face and telephone counseling, non-formal education programme , companionship for PwD in their home, Alzheimer Centre, training for public workers, workshops on prevention and cognitive training, self-care groups and networks of Dementia Friendly Spots.